BELL WORKS, Holmdel, New Jersey

Honoring the research facility "Bell Labs" once was and it's eight Nobel prizes, "The Fabric of Bell" was designed to merge effortlessly with the iconic Eero Saarinen architecture.
The opportunity to draft a singular identity between the technological achievements the laboratories accomplished and the "Metroburb" Bell Works has become. Hand made with only recycled components, harvested during the redevelopment of Bell Labs into Bell Works and intricately intertwined together with a hint of Bauhaus influence.

"From the moment I stepped into Bell Works, I knew I had to find a way to celebrate the history of Bell Labs. In my collaboration with Sebastien Courty on the Fabric of Bell, I have found a way to express my vision for Bell Works. Together, we pay homage to Bell Laboratories' past with our eye on its future, a realization of my retro-futuristic design philosophy. Sebastien, inspired by the Bauhaus art movement and Saarinen's architectural form, uses the very fibers, cables and artifacts found at Bell Labs to create "The Fabric of Bell"
Paola Zamudio